FAQ: Chemical Peel

Q. Who should NOT be treated with a chemical peel?

  • Patients with active cold sores or warts, skin with open wounds, sunburn, excessively sensitive skin, dermatitis or inflammatory rosacea in the area to be treated. Inform the esthetician if you have any history of herpes simplex

  • Patients with a history of allergies (especially allergies to salicylates like aspirin), rashes, or other skin reactions, or those who may be sensitive to any of the components in this treatment

  • Patients who have taken Accutane within the past year

  • Patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding (lactating)

  • Patients who have received chemotherapy or radiation therapy

  • Patients with vitiligo

  • Patients with a history of an autoimmune disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, etc.) or any condition that may weaken their immune system


Q. What should I do before a chemical peel?

A. One week before your SkinMedica Peel avoid these products and/or procedures:

  • Electrolysis

  • Waxing

  • Depilatory Creams

  • Laser Hair Removal

  • Patients who have had BOTOX® injections should wait until full effect of their treatment is seen before receiving a SkinMedica Peel

Two to three days before your SkinMedica Peel avoid these products and/or procedures:

  • Retin-A®, Renova®, Differin®, Tazorac®

  • Any products containing retinol, alpha -hydroxy acid (AHA) or beta-hydroxy acid (BHA), or benzoyl peroxide

  • Any exfoliating products that may be drying or irritating

  • Patients who have had medical cosmetic facial treatments or procedures (e.g. laser therapy, surgical procedures, cosmetic filler, microdermabrasion, etc.) should wait until skin sensitivity completely resolves before receiving a SkinMedica Peel

Note: The use of these products/treatments prior to your peel may increase skin sensitivity and cause a stronger reaction.


Q. What adverse events may occur after a SkinMedica Peel?

A. It is common and expected that your skin will be red, possibly itchy and/or irritated. It is also possible that other adverse experiences (side effects) may occur. Although rare, the following adverse experiences have been reported by patients after having a SkinMedica Peel: skin breakout or acne, rash, swelling, and burning.


Q. What should I expect after my peel?

A. AFTER YOUR VITALIZE PEEL®/ REJUVENIZE PEEL™: It is crucial to the health of your skin and the success of your peel that these guidelines be followed:

  • Your skin may have a light yellow tinge immediately after the procedure. This is temporary and will fade in 1 to 2 hours. SkinMedica recommends waiting until the evening to wash your face, however if you should choose to wash it sooner, please wait until after the yellow tinge completely disappears (1 to 2 hours).

  • It is imperative that you apply a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 in the morning AND throughout the day (every 2 hours is recommended if outdoors). Avoid direct sunlight for at least 1 week.

  • Your skin may be more red than usual for 2 to 5 days. PLEASE AVOID STRENUOUS EXERCISE, HOT TUBS AND LENGTHY HOT SHOWERS DURING THIS TIME to avoid excessive heat to the face. Failure to do so may lead to unexpected consequences. Make-up may be applied to conceal redness or discoloration.

  • Approximately 48-72 hours after the treatment, your skin will start to peel. This peeling will generally last 2 to 5 days. DO NOT PICK OR PULL THE SKIN. Allow skin to peel at its own pace to avoid any unpredictable responses/results.

  • You may resume the regular use of Retin-A/retinols, alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) products or bleaching creams ONLY after the peeling process is complete.

  • Wait until peeling completely subsides before having ANY OTHER FACIAL PROCEDURES, including: Facials, Microdermabrasion, Laser treatments (including laser hair removal), Facial hair removal, BOTOX injections, Injectable fillers

REMEMBER, RESULTS ARE CUMULATIVE AND MAXIMUM BENEFITS ARE SEEN WITH A SERIES OF 3 OR MORE PEELS. You can receive a Vitalize Peel every 3-4 weeks and a Rejuvenize Peel every 4-6 weeks.